Possibly your important other is abroad or in military. Maybe you departed from your lover or you are divorcee. There are many other reasons because of which your may find yourself alone on this happy occasion of romance and love. You should not feel sorry for yourself. My article is for those people who are single-
· Go out and enjoy yourself-Who says that it’s necessary to go out with opposite sex only? You may go with that person whose company you find funny and interesting. It’s not wrong to go out fully dressed and enjoy night in restaurant with delicious meal. This way you will make yourself away from all worries.
· Go out with your single friends-There are many people who are suffering from same predicament. Some would be your friends. You can invite them for going out. They will appreciate your affection and consideration. So what are waiting for, call your friends and enjoy outing.
· Unpaid helper at a non-profit-You can overcome your sorry by helping those who need help and those who are unfortunate. You can work there as volunteer. If you are not aware of those places you can search out search engines to grab opportunity for you which may be just nearby.
· Present yourself bouquet-Order your favorite flower bouquet to florists for yourself. Ask him to add some favorite candies in between. You can also order them to send it to your workplace. This will give you better feeling. Make a love comment on it like “for someone special” or “your secret lover”. You will find all your colleagues surprised and this will increase their temptation to know who your secret lover is.
· You can select any soldier and send him valentine card. After getting this card he will feel that for whom {citizens of nation} he is putting his life in risk cares for him. By this you can show how true and dedicated you are towards your nation and soldiers.
Being alone is not end of the world. If you are imaginative you will find ways to make this day more special just like others.